Monday, January 12, 2009


Tiday was spent checking for continuity in the 2.5 hour Lindeman documentary dialog. I found 2 rough spots that I fixed.
Also archived & enhanced were several CD selections: "Take It Off" is a great group of mostly striptease instrumentals from the 50’s. Next I archived & enhanced some amazing original WC Handy recordings from circa 1916, recorded in New York City. Don McLean was next, with American Pie and more. After that was the Gus Arnheim orchestra from about 1933, in California. I then went from 1933, to the 1970’s, with Arthur Prysock’s Jazz Round Midnight album. There was no other voice like his! And speaking of "midnight", the next selection was a bunch of "Blue Ladies", recorded in the 20’s, singing not the blues, but about their intimate pleasures, in detail. And finally, I ended the group by archiving Earnest P. Stoneman records from about 1929.
The term "archived" means that I officially entered the selections into my Master Music Directory and digitally enhanced the audio, saving it to an MP3 file, at 128 kbps.

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